Visual - Guidelines
Blister - Not allowed on either the front or back faces.
Broken - Not allowed on either the front or back face.
Edge Damaged - Max 4mm allowed on the front face, not allowed on the back face.
Stain / Oiled / Asphalt Marks - Very light marks and no Asphalt allowed on both front and back face, with a light sanding on the front face only.
Cove Overlaps - A maximum of 400mm x 3 on both the front and back face.
Open Splits - Only on the hairline on both the front and back face.
Puttied Splits - 15 x 600mm well puttied splits are allowed on both the front and back faces.
Knife Marks - Up to 0.8mm Smooth sanded marks are allowed on the front and back faces.
Putty Marks - Allowed if well sanded on the front and back faces.
Broken Width Ways - Only on the hairline on both the front and back face.
Patches - Allowed if the same species / colour on both the front and back faces.
Joints - Up to a maximum of 1 allowed on the front and back faces.
Colour Variation - Allowed on both the front and back faces.
Core Gaps - up to 6 x 90mm repaired gaps allowed on the front and back faces.
Rough Surface - Allowed if the putty used is smooth on the front and back faces.
Edge Tape Marks - Allowed if sanded smooth and flat on the front and back faces.
Sanding - Must be smooth and even on the front and back faces.
Pinholes / Wormholes - A maximum of 15mm if well puttied and scattered, must be sanded smooth and clean on the front and back faces.
Wane (Bark) - Allowed if puttied with smooth sanding and clean on the front and back face.
Rotten / Fungus Marks - Allowed if solid and very light must be sanded smooth and clean with an even appearance on the front and back faces.
Live Knots - Allowed on the front and back faces.
Dead Knots - Must be well puttied in the same colour and sanded smooth with a clean even appearance on the front and back faces.
Dead Knots (Separated) - Max 25mm and must be well puttied in the same colour and sanded smooth with a clean even appearance on the front face and max 19mm on the back face.
Small Knots - Allowed on the front and back faces.
Live Healthy Knots - Allowed but must be sanded smooth on the front and back faces.
Show Through of Face / Back - Max 2 x 300mm puttied and sanded smooth with a clean even appearance on the front and back faces.
Different Core - Allowed so long as very light on the front face and is not allowed on the back face.
Press Marks - Allowed if well puttied and sanded smooth with a clean and even finish on the front and back faces.
Rotten Marks - Allowed if sanded smooth and even on the front and back faces.
Insufficient Core - Not allowed on the front and back faces.
Dry Resin Pockets - Allowed if well puttied sanded smooth with a clean and even finish on the front and back faces.
Mineral Streaks - Allowed.
Shims (Splits) - Allowed if grain and colour are the same.
Wet Resin Pockets - Not allowed.
Mechanical Defects - Not allowed.
Dimension - Guidelines
Length - Up to +2mm and -0mm.
Width - Up to +2mm and -0mm.
Thickness less than 5.5mm - +/- 0.3mm.
Thickness more than 5.5mm - +/- 0.5mm.
Diagonal Difference - Up to a maximum of 2mm.
Edge Straightness - Up to a maximum of 1mm.